Are Your Goals Clashing with Your Identity?

May 22, 2022. Have you ever achieved a goal you set for yourself only to fall back into your past self after a while? You may have heard people say, “identity is a thermostat.” Today I am going to reflect on what that means and how that can manifest as self-sabotage. Whether you pay attention […]

Gratitude Opens Doors

May 21, 2022. You may have heard people talking about a gratitude journal or a morning, gratitude ritual. I have followed this practice consistently since 2020 and it has improved my life incredibly. Maybe you might have had these same benefits if you tried. If you haven’t, would you be willing to have an open […]

Are You Present in Your Own Life?

May 20, 2022. In a world where we’ve been trained to think about the next big thing, it’s so easy to get caught up in the future. Sometimes we are still healing from the past and our focus remains there. How can we practice presence and why is it important? Why is it important to […]

Crying is Strength

May 19, 2022. Crying is so underrated, in some cases looked down upon. I have noticed however, that it takes strength to face one’s emotions. People mistake suppressing emotions as strength, but that’s actually dangerous because emotions are energy. You might be storing some nuclear energy within yourself and then wonder where the explosion came […]

4 Habits to Finding your Purpose

May 18, 2022. Maybe you can’t confidently say that you found your purpose, but I can guarantee that you have seen a glimpse of it. I believe that we start off knowing our purpose and through conditioning as we age, we forget. When we realize that life is about bringing value and serving others, we […]

How to Deal with Fear

May 17, 2022. We’ve all felt afraid before. The fear I want to talk about today is the fear of intangible things such as the future, uncertain situations, failure, trying new things, etc. Fear is one of the stronger emotions that can cripple someone mentally. I will share some effective self-regulation methods you can use […]

Whose Voice Influences Your Thoughts

May 16, 2022. I mentioned this a couple of times in previous reflections but felt that I needed to dig deeper. For most of my life, I assumed that all thoughts were voluntary or there was some level of will I had exerted on my mind to produce the thought. I learned of a different […]

My Take on Affirmations

May 15, 2022. There are many reasons why someone might want to do affirmations. Maybe you want to shift your self-image, or you might want to undo all the negative things said to you growing up that you may have internalized. From experience, affirmations work whether you believe them or not. Think of it like […]

Avoiding Burnout

May 14, 2022. If you don’t make time to rest and re-energize, your body will do it for you through illness and burnout. Entering the workforce after graduation, I became aware of how people celebrate exhaustion as though it’s a medal of honor. I found myself feeling uncomfortable when I wasn’t busy because all the […]

Myths and Lies Told on Weightlifting

May 13, 2022. Thanks to everyone who shared what they have been told about weightlifting. I have to say some of them were absolutely hilarious. I am shocked someone opened their mouth to say these things. Let’s begin! Here are 5 notable myths and lies told on weightlifting: Myth / Lie 1: Using the squat […]