Are You the Main Character in Your Story?

May 28, 2022. I have seen several quotes online reminding people that they aren’t the main character in everyone’s story. This makes sense as each person is entitled to who they prioritize in their lives. However, a question I have for you is, are you the main character in your own story? Do you feel […]

The Best Communication Style

May 27, 2022. During summer 2020, I chatted with one of the engineers who worked where I was interning at the time. He said something that was so interesting and until this day I remember it. I have used this advice to analyze people’s communicating styles and learned that in order to communicate with someone […]

Judging Yourself

May 26, 2022. Are you judging yourself based on chapter one of your life? Or are you judging yourself based on who you were in the past and you are still focusing on that? Are you assuming that because something was true in chapter one of your life, it will remain true in this new […]

Compliments and Insults – The Weight We Give Them

May 25, 2022. The power we give to compliments affects the damage an insult can have on our self-esteem. Compliments and insults are verbal expressions of someone’s opinion. Whether it’s true or not, if it comes out of someone’s mouth, it’s an opinion. When we care so much about receiving compliments, it means we have […]

Writing Down Your Goals Increases Your Chances of Achieving Them

May 24, 2022. Have you ever heard someone saying that you should write down your goals? What experience have you had with writing down your goals? When you think back to the goals you wrote down and the ones you didn’t, which ones did you achieve? A study conducted by Harvard found that people who […]

Are You Hiding Your Salt and Only Sharing Your Sugar?

May 23, 2022. Most people show one picture of themselves to the world yet there are other layers within them. In this case, I am not referring to tailoring which side of your personality to show depending on your audience. I am referring to completely muting parts of yourself. Are there areas that you are […]

Are Your Goals Clashing with Your Identity?

May 22, 2022. Have you ever achieved a goal you set for yourself only to fall back into your past self after a while? You may have heard people say, “identity is a thermostat.” Today I am going to reflect on what that means and how that can manifest as self-sabotage. Whether you pay attention […]

Gratitude Opens Doors

May 21, 2022. You may have heard people talking about a gratitude journal or a morning, gratitude ritual. I have followed this practice consistently since 2020 and it has improved my life incredibly. Maybe you might have had these same benefits if you tried. If you haven’t, would you be willing to have an open […]

Are You Present in Your Own Life?

May 20, 2022. In a world where we’ve been trained to think about the next big thing, it’s so easy to get caught up in the future. Sometimes we are still healing from the past and our focus remains there. How can we practice presence and why is it important? Why is it important to […]